Bay Haven Care Community and the Collingwood Public Library have been working together to provide a program for the residents called Books on Wheels. The Books on Wheels program allows books from the Collingwood Public Library to go directly to the residents that have signed up for the program. Residents that are interested in reading a variety of genres of books will be granted several different books per month. For those residents that are visually impaired, the Collingwood Public Library also offers audible books. The Books on Wheels program is a great way to give the residents at Bay Haven Care Community easily accessible books for their enjoyment. Reading books are very important as they keep your mind strong and active. This is a program that Bay Haven is proud to offer for their residents.
Aside from certain activities that the Recreation department puts together for the residents to stimulate the brain, Books on Wheels is another option for residents to keep their mind healthy, strong, and focused.
We here at Bay Haven are happy to continue this tradition so that our residents do not have to leave their home to go to the library, but rather have those books come to them.
Marco Sanfilippo – Marketing Specialist/Recreation Assistant.